cc: travel

Nashville on a Budget

broadway street


Grand Ole Opry

The Grand Ole Opry is the historic country music venue, and also the longest running radio broadcast in the U.S. with 90 years! The Opry still hosts concerts and backstage tours – starting at $33 per person.       

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Part of the backstage tour is seeing the different dressing rooms and sitting in chairs that stars like Carrie Underwood have sat in! You get to learn a lot about the history of the space and even get to walk up on the stage! The tour is about an hour long and concludes in the gift shop (like most tours) but worth the money in my opinion. 

Broadway Bars

Broadway is the “Bourbon” street of Nashville. Along the way, you can see the Ryman Auditorium (the first home of the Grand Ole Opry), Margarita Ville and the Honky Tonk Bar! EVERY bar has a live band or artist playing music and they are all insanely talented. Along the bar strip, they also have souvenir and gift shopping.   

Solo Setbacks

I’m not going to lie, traveling solo can be tiring, it can be boring, and it can be expensive. And while I’ve been doing it for most of the year (and loving it), I found Nashville the most difficult place yet for solo traveling because it is such a social town. I obviously still had fun, but I think I could’ve had an even better if I had someone to drink and listen to music with.

Part of this also comes from how big the city is. I wanted to see different attractions that just so happened to be spread throughout the city, making the Ubers add up. I’m also a little disheartened because when I was first trying to take an Uber from the airport into the city, I was waiting at the wrong “pickup” spot and my Uber had to cancel from waiting too long, thus causing me $5! It was a bigger airport than I thought.

I could’ve taken the bus system, like I’ve done before in Boston, New Jersey, San Francisco, etc., but for some reason I couldn’t really figure out this one or find a main ticket building, just side street bus stops. All in all, I don’t think Nashville was really my town. I also booked an Airbnb, which I am no stranger to, but I thought I snagged a good deal with it being “close to downtown”. However, I did not find this to be true and only furthered my frustration.

I think these setbacks are good to remember, and good to share, because traveling–like life—is not always perfect. And if I ever go back to Nashville, I definitely know what I would do different!

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**Have you traveled solo before?
**What’s your favorite thing to do in Nashville?
**Do you prefer country or rap music? 
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