cc: travel

The Small State of Rhode Island


Rhode Island’s title as the smallest U.S. state makes it the perfect place to take a one-day trip.

After crossing off some major bucket list items driving through New Hampshire and Vermont, Rhode Island was our pit-stop state in between Connecticut and Boston – where we would be flying home from.

Driving into the state, we stopped to take our mandatory “state sign” picture with the words “Discover Beautiful Rhode Island” hanging high above us. And a beautiful state it is.

In Providence, we made our way to Roger Williams Park, a 40-acre area filled with beautiful fall foliage fields, gardens, and even a zoo (that was closed due to COVID). Also, in the area were “swan boats”. You know, those cute pedal boats that look like swans you see in romantic comedy movies? My sister and I had a blast peddling that thing around the small pond and under bridges.

The rest of our limited time in Rhode Island was spent walking around downtown. We ate at a local diner, got a look at Brown University, had ice cream and eventually went back to our hotel to relax after our many days of traveling.


Since this blog is a little shorter based on our time constraints, I thought I would talk a little bit about our time in Boston!

I’ve been to Boston before but that was another quick day trip, so I didn’t get to see everything the city had to offer. My mom has also been to Boston before, and something my mom kept bringing up to my sister and I was how we should check out Plymouth Rock if we wanted to, but that we would be “extremely disappointing”. We did not check out the rock.

What we DID do instead was:

And then in the morning we had to pack up and head back to Nebraska. It was a long week, filled with some bickering and the occasional getting lost, but also lots of laughter and unforgettable experiences.

I wouldn’t trade the trip or the time with my family for anything and I can’t wait to see what our next adventure is.

As always, thanks for reading and be sure to drop a comment below!

**Did you know Rhode Island is the smallest US state?
**Do you travel with your family?
**Where do you think I’m going next?

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