cc: travel

A CC: Travel Q&A


Hi guys and welcome back to my side of the internet. It’s been way to long since I’ve posted on here. I think we all know how crazy the world has gotten and that just made it hard to travel / write about travel experiences.

However, I really wanted to put together a travel Q&A of topics people actually wanted to learn about. And I thought now would be a perfect time to do so! I asked people on my Instagram stories and my Facebook page to shoot me some questions about traveling in general or my experiences while traveling.

I hope this brings clarity to some people wanting to travel solo, or to just get answers regarding international travel.

Do you enjoy traveling by yourself?

  • Yes and no. Yes, because I’ve always really enjoyed spending time by myself. I remember my grandma would always tell my mom, “Ronda, it cannot be good for her to spend that much time alone.” But it comforts me. When traveling solo, you also get to do whatever you want to do. The entire trip is completely up to you and what you feel like at that moment. I would never take back any of my solo travel trips, but I do think I wore myself out a little bit. I have also known myself to be more on the introverted side, so the only solo trip I didn’t have the greatest experience was when I went to Nashville, which is more of a social city. I think for me personally, I would like to continue solo traveling to places that are more nature-centric.

Top 5 necessities to pack?

  • My number one pick is Mario Badescu facial spray. This is soooo good! I use this on airplanes to keep my skin hydrated, in the mornings to wake myself up and even throughout the day if I’m feeling oily. My other must haves would be phone/phone charger, wallet, toothbrush/toothpaste and an extra jacket. Most of these are pretty self-explanatory but an extra jacket is very important to those who are somehow always cold, aka me. I also have gotten very good at packing for trips using only a carry-on! When you’re going solo, you don’t want to be lugging around a heavy bag.

How do you edit travel pictures?

  • I really only use VSCO to edit my pictures. I’ve tried other apps, but I just think the VSCO app does exactly what I like, I like brighter colors but for the picture to still look “natural” and not too edited.
Processed with VSCO with m3 preset

How do you take solo travel pictures?

  • When I’m out traveling solo, I will either ask strangers to snap a photo for me – and I usually ask around 3 different people, so I have more options – or I will use this handy-dandy phone tripod I ordered from Amazon. It’s seriously so nice because it can be used as a selfie-stick, or the tripod aspect can be short or tall. It also comes with a Bluetooth remote!

Have you ever been scared traveling solo?

  • I don’t ever want to discourage someone from solo traveling. I think it can be one of the most rewarding experiences out there, however I know there are very real dangers present, especially for women who chose to travel alone. Some things you can do to make sure you’re being safe while exploring include: sharing your location with someone back home (my mom is always able to see my location), tell a few people your plans for when you’re gone and when you expect to be back and wait to tell your social media audience that you went solo after you’re back home.

What are you plans for traveling in a COVID-19 world?

  • Lots of road trips! But in all seriousness, I know the traveling world is going to change forever because of this, and I just want to be safe but still get my travel fix. I will be wearing masks when in public places, utilization my jeep instead of airplanes when I can and opt for more nature trips instead of city ones. Which brings me to my next point, be sure to follow my blog and be on the look out for upcoming blogs this fall! I have an amazing “New England Fall Road Trip” planned that includes New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut and Rhode Island!

As always thanks for reading and sticking by me and let me know if you have any New England favorites I need to see!

**What will be your first trip since covid?
**Have you traveled solo before?
**Did any of these tips helps you?

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