cc: travel

A Girl and 21 States


Over two years ago I wrote a story about a Nebraska native turned Peace Corps volunteer who had been to over 21 countries. Today I want to bring you a continuation of that story by talking to another Nebraska girl who has been to over 21 STATES! (37 to be exact)

Logan Koepke is the writer/photographer/blogger behind Bliss Junkie – a travel blog dedicated to bringing you budget tips, hotel or Airbnb reviews, recommendations for good places to eat and stunning pictures.

You can keep up with her journey through Facebook or Instagram.

In no particular order, and all for different reasons, her favorite states are Alaska, North Carolina and Hawaii. She could most likely see herself living in North Carolina if she ever moved away from Nebraska – and for a pretty legit reason

“You don’t have to wear shoes to the grocery store and the people are a special kind of warm.”

Logan Koepke

Some of us might have fond (or maybe not so-fond) memories of our first family vacation. For me, I distinctly remember jumping on the beds of this small rented-out house in the Ozarks. For Logan, her first memory is of a small seaside town in Oregon.

“We saw sea lions in a stinky cave and watched fishermen sort crab on a dock.”

Logan Koepke

And while she hasn’t made it back to that exact location, she has been to Oregon since then. Like I said, she’s been busy traveling to more than half of the states. But beyond the U.S., Logan has also traveled outside the U.S. to a few countries: Greece and Mexico to name a few.

“I’d love to visit Greece again and spend an entire month there. The food is so fresh and healthy, it’s hard not to love”

Logan Koepke

I personally really enjoy reading Logan’s Bliss Junkie blog because, I find it so thrilling that others get as excited about travel as I do. And to be from the same state makes it even more fascinating to me! But I’m not the only one, Bliss Junkie gets thousands of views every week and I hope you’ll consider checking her out too.

And if that alone doesn’t get you interested, maybe the thought of U.S. travel will. While 23 now, Logan hopes to reach all 50 states by the time she’s 25 – that’s a lot of blogs and tips you could be reading! 

But as always, thanks for checking out my corner of the web and stayed tuned for my 2020 travel plans! 

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**What is your earliest memory involving a family vacation?
**What U.S. state is number 1 on your travel bucket list?
**Who do you think I should collab with next?
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