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Sunny in Seattle


A Quick Weekend Guide in Seattle

Month 4 of 2019 took me to Seattle, WA! I wanted to go during April because I was hoping I would get to experience a little bit of rain (after all, what more is Seattle known for?) To my surprise, it was actually really nice out! It sprinkled a little bit and then continued the day out with pure sunshine.

After arriving at the SEA-TAC airport I navigated my way to find the LINK RAIL, which is an outside attachment to the airport, as my research told me this would take me to downtown. I love public transportation in bigger cities as this ride was only $3! After about a 30 min. ride, I was spit out about 2 blocks from Pike Market Place. The market is a really fun area to walk around and do some souvenir shopping, eat seafood and take pictures.

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Pike Market Place, SEATTLE

The Pike Market Place is also the home to the Gum Wall – which you might’ve guessed – is an alley way filled with other people’s gum stuck on the walls. The Pacific North West is a fascinating place. Pike Place also houses the first ever Starbucks (venti pink drink, anyone?). Throughout my short weekend getaway, I stopped in to get Starbucks at lease 6 different times.

I finished out my first day by walking to the Space Needle. It’s about a 20-minute walk from the market, but like I said, it was really nice out! The Space Needle costs $30 per adult, and lets you walk around the towering building at your own pace. At the very top there is 360 glass views with leaning benches and a floor down is home to the world first rotating glass floor, also complete with great window views.

My trip concluded with a morning trek to Starbucks and then hanging out in the local park before taking the LINK RAIL back to the airport.

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Seattle Parks
**Is Seattle on your travel bucket list?
**What are some other fun things to do in Seattle?
**Should I go back to Washington state?
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